Research Description
Journal article published in the Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 30(1) (2007): 7–28.

Jean-Claude Loba-Mkole

Date Added to the Noyam Research Archive
Thursday, 22nd October, 2020


This article documents and reviews the rise and development of intercultural biblical exegesis in Africa, especially with regard to New Testament interpretation. It argues that this new exegetical tool was decisively launched by Justin S. Ukpong (1996), in an article introducing and applying the method of inculturation biblical hermeneutic. Jean-Bosco Matand (1998) embraced this method, with no reference to Ukpong. The method evolved into intercultural biblical exegesis/hermeneutic through the books by Antoine C.N. Cilumba (2001) and Chris U. Manus (2003). The present author has previously contributed to intercultural biblical exegesis, also viewing it as intercultural mediations (Loba-Mkole 2005a, 2005b). The first section of this article briefly presents different trends of biblical exegesis in Africa, while the second one deals with different phases of intercultural exegesis.

Copyright © 2007 Jean-Claude Loba-Mkole