Research Description
Thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Ghana in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration.

Gilbert Kwaku Antwi

This article is hosted on the Noyam Research Archive with permission from the author.

Date Added to the Noyam Research Archive
Monday, 12th October, 2020


Firms look beyond their immediate resources to tap into other firms’ resources in a strategic and mutually beneficial way in what is now known as Supply Chain Management. This is not just aligning firms but, of course, their business processes. Earlier researches have revealed that there is significant benefit to firms that effectively manage their supply chain processes; and a positive relation between Competitive Strategies and Supply Chain Management practices; yet, these have focused on large firms. But small firms are very important and as a result there is the need to better understand the roles competitive strategy play in the management of supply chain of SMEs. This research examines supply chain management in SMEs and how the competitive orientation of SMEs affects the integration of supply chain. It revealed that there are three dimensions of Supply Chain Integration namely Product/Information flow, Communication and Attitudes. A self-administered questionnaire is used to investigate
the extent of Supply Chain Management and Supply Chain Integration practices adoption; and the effect of Competitive Strategies on Supply Chain Integration in 108 SMEs in Ghana. The research revealed that SMEs deploy a number of supply chain practices in their operations. The roles of six differentiation methods and seven overall strategy methods were investigated. It is observed that Competitive Strategies has significant on Supply Chain Integration but its effect on the three dimensions varied considerably. Again it tends to support the view that instituting and implementing
competitive strategies in SMEs is very important as it has a significant impact on the supply chain practices within the SMEs. Researchers can use these findings to generate ideas for further studies.

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©2016 Gilbert Kwaku Antwi
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